Hello, I’m David Triemert.
As a multi-talented building contractor, serial entrepreneur, seven-time author, relentless truth-seeker, matrix deconstructionist, spiritual maverick, and—believe it or not—a high school dropout (yep, “LOSER!”), I bring a unique, no-nonsense approach to coaching as a visionary radical authenticity strategist. I work with good-hearted, high-achieving entrepreneurs who have been feeling the nudge to get really real with themselves and those around them, reconnect with their true essence, and unleash their raw, authentic power to experience life in ways unimagined—but are unsure how to make that shift.
With unparalleled depth and insight, I help you align with what truly matters in the grand scheme of your life, empowering you to live with unshakable purpose and spirit. Through this profound process, I inspire my clients to honor and celebrate their authentic selves—completely and unapologetically—unlocking the unbridled freedom of becoming whole once again, reminiscent of the pure, untainted state of being they were born into.
I Lead with Authority and Confidence
When it comes to helping others embrace radical authenticity and create significant transformational change in one’s personal life, I’m among the top dogs in the business —no bullshit! That's assuming you're ready to look deep inside and tackle some of the ‘stuff’ that might be robbing you of your connection to your divine essence. But I promise, we’ll have some laughs along the way as we unearth the inauthentic roles we’ve all played and the ‘mis-takes’ we’ve all made.​
​My Daily Ritual
I awake most days at 3 AM and refueled with energy to help others shatter their fears and obliterate the unknowns holding them back from becoming something far greater and much more fulfilling than they ever imagined possible. Over the years, my contagious energy has fired up countless others, pushing them to take bold, life-changing action. This energetic drive and commitment to transformation extend beyond my daily routines and into the very fabric of my life—just as it will in yours when you choose to walk this path with me.
​An Unconventional Lifestyle
I lead a very unconventional and simple lifestyle near Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I haven’t owned a TV or read a newspaper in 15 years. Instead, my home has become an epicenter of creativity and exploration, reflecting my relentless pursuit of higher truths and a fierce commitment to see through the many deceptions and inauthenticity’s this world has to offer.
Unleashing Superpowers
At the end of the day, I am not just an authenticity strategist—I’m an unstoppable life force, sparking a fire inside anyone ready to break the chains of trying to fit in, play nice, and pretending to be anything less than who they truly are. Together, we'll ignite your God-given superpowers, opening the door to a life that exceeds your wildest dreams—a life lived on your terms, unapologetically and powerfully.

Curious to Learn More About My Story?
If so, fasten your seat belt! It’s quite a Ride!

David's Daring Journey
From the start, I grew up poor and saw no other road in life than to become a trailblazer or die trying to break through my countless limitations. Raised in a fatherless household, I became an adventurous free-range child early on, exploring the world with boundless curiosity.
In my early years of elementary school, I was frequently disciplined for gazing out the window, and not doing assignments. My brief time in Catholic school felt like a prison, suppressing my little hopes and dreams for a better life and a yearning for hands-on experiences.
My true passions lay in the garage, where I spent countless hours building motorized contraptions out of anything I could find in someone’s trash or the woods and drag home. Though my creations often failed and caught fire a time or two, the thrill of learning how things worked kept me hooked.
School Was Not for Me
My curiosity and free spirit clashed with the strict environment of Catholic school, leading to my early departure in the middle of 4th grade. Undeterred, I transitioned to public school, where the story repeated itself after I unplugged from anything they had to offer.
High school was equally unorthodox. While my peers fretted over fitting in, I sought adventure and autonomy. I quit high school two months shy of graduation and never looked back, choosing the open road over a diploma and eventually meeting with much success.
Began Working Full-Time at 13
Growing up as the youngest of five children to an amazing single mother, I learned early that hard work was essential for survival. With no child support and a mom who worked as a server and refused government assistance, I jumped at the opportunity to take a full-time job washing dishes at a large supper club after the entire dishwashing crew walked off the job on Valentine's Day.
Three years later, I landed my first chef position at a trendy Italian restaurant at 16. I continued to hone my culinary skills at two athletic clubs and an upscale steakhouse over the next three years.

Just after quitting high school, I attended a wedding reception. After becoming heavily intoxicated, I rode my high-powered road bike home, bangin’ gears and having a good time. About two blocks later, I crashed into a large elm tree at 80 miles an hour. I remember hearing a god-awful sound, like the "bending or collapse of time," and then found myself shooting up a dark tunnel toward a bright light.
There, I was embraced by who I believe to be Jesus Christ, experiencing peace and love, beyond words, while being infused with a sharp sense of infinite awareness and understanding. I then underwent an agonizing life review, reliving my 18 years on earth in the blink of an eye, and realizing that God doesn’t judge us—we judge ourselves.
I pleaded with Jesus repeatedly to stay in the Afterlife but was told I must return because my life wasn’t over yet. Thrust back into my body, I found myself doing cartwheels and backflips down the city sidewalk before coming to rest in the grass.
Eventually, bloodied and naked on one side of my body, I got back on my feet and limped two miles home in the dark of night, overwhelmed with the thoughts about all the amazing phenomena I had just experienced on the Other Side. How could I possibly ever explain or capture in words the profound realities I’d just touched—realities that challenge everything we think we know?
My Life Would Never Be the Same
This event rekindled my belief in a higher power and the afterlife. It also led me to develop a conviction that we are all assigned a divine life purpose and given gifts unique to each of us to help achieve that purpose.
Over the next twenty years, I immersed myself in learning about spirituality, metaphysics, death and dying, and the quantum field. I also became a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation, Reiki, and other healing arts.
Today, I cannot help but live with one part of me in the afterlife and the other in the ‘here and now’. People have no idea what awaits them on the other side, but it will literally blow your mind.
Back Story
The backstory to my near-death experience, however, is that I had a death wish back then, wanting out of this life, but my wish was not granted because the Creator obviously had other plans being there was still so much left for me to do.
It later became clear that my near-death experience was a wake-up call urging me to embrace and value the life I had been given. I eventually realized that my survival wasn't just a stroke of luck—it was a divinely orchestrated second chance, an opportunity to fulfill a purpose far greater than myself.
Today, I strive to be a beacon of light for others, shamelessly sharing my story and the lessons I have learned along the way.
My journey has taught me that we are all here for a reason, and that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, there is always a path forward, a way to find infinite meaning and fulfillment in our lives. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
​Today, some 45 years later, I wake each morning immersed in a deep sense of gratitude, thanking God for even the littlest things in my life. I am grateful for the chance to have lived this long, because had my life been cut short back then, I would have missed out on countless, amazing, and incredible experiences that have shaped my journey.

Started a Construction Business
Still reeling from my near-death experience two weeks later, I received a call from someone wanting their house painted. Recognizing this as a path to becoming self-employed, I seized the opportunity, making more money than I ever dreamed possible that summer.
This venture grew into a successful construction business over 45 years, where I became highly skilled in a dozen or more building trades, including finish work, mechanicals and demolition. Hell-bent on maintaining a stellar reputation, I operated for all those years on word-of-mouth referrals and without any form of marketing.
Helped Mom Live Her “Impossible” Dream
When my 64-year-old mother decided to retire from running her child daycare business and start caring for seniors in her own home, I thought she might be joking or losing her mind, but she was dead serious.​

The problem? Her humble abode was a 100-year-old, two-story farmhouse that was anything but “senior-friendly.” So, I got creative and built a cardboard prototype of a 6-bedroom home as a present for her 65th birthday. At first, she thought I was crazy, and this would be “impossible”, being she had no money to speak of or anyone to help finance the project.
Fast forward three years and a ton of challenges later, my mom was living in a 6,400-square-foot, 10-bedroom senior-friendly home I custom-built, on 5 acres with an abundance of her beloved flower gardens. She took in her first private-pay clients and personally provided round-the-clock care along with the help of staff.
She remained hands-on with her clients over the following 24 years until age 88 when the effects of old age set in and she became a patient within her own senior care home.
Her “Impossible” Dream Grew into Building Two Additional Homes
Her story doesn’t end with me just building one home. Two years after completing my mom’s senior home, she asked me to build another for my oldest sister to manage, and then a third home for my other sister to provide hospice care. I stepped up, building two more homes over the next four years, each more beautiful and twice the size of the original.

My journey from a cardboard prototype and no capital to creating a series of stunning private senior homes is a testament to my dedication, and love for my mom for seeing me through all of my personal challenges in my younger years.
Together, we turned a wild dream of hers into an amazing reality, making a real difference in hundreds of lives, especially those beautiful souls who moved in with only weeks or days to live.
My 25 years of being around the elderly most days and seeing them off to the afterlife really shaped my appreciation for all human life and the infinite array of human experiences made possible by Creation.

In 1982, I bought a used car that looked and ran great but had to finance it. However, I soon learned the hard way what happens when payments are not made on time—it was repossessed in the middle of a bleak winter!
​Determined not to be denied credit for the next several years due to a bad mark on my credit record, I began researching the industry and potential solutions. This eventually led me to start a side hustle called ‘Credit Doctors’—a consumer credit consulting service that specialized in helping others restore their credit profiles.

Eager to share my findings widely, I wrote and self-published my first book on the inner workings of the consumer credit industry. After receiving a glowing review from the American Library Association, orders for the book poured in from libraries, schools, and universities across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and other countries that utilized the American credit bureau infrastructure.
I then expanded my reach by crafting another book for entrepreneurs, revealing the art of ‘getting approved’ and expanding credit lines. My second book became a success in the overnight radio market, leading to numerous guest appearances on call-in talk shows.

The 5 Books I Wrote but Never Marketed
In 2000, I felt a renewed calling to write. I began with a trilogy of novels exploring spiritual reality, followed by books delving into our political and legal realities. I then authored two non-fiction exposés addressing government deception and control mechanisms, as well as the almost-uniform corruption I uncovered within law enforcement and our courts.
My last two books sent me down a years-long research rabbit hole from hell, where I encountered and had to learn a complex language referred to as legalese. This jargon not only obscured the truth but also unveiled the intricate ways in which words can be manipulated to mislead the public. I eventually learned that it’s all a play on words—a clever twist of language—and the very act of 'spelling'—ironically reminiscent of casting a spell—reveals just how powerful and deceptive words can be. Go figure.
These hard-hitting titles confronted a plethora of uncomfortable truths, making them a bit more than the average bear could handle. As a result, I placed a copy of each on my bookshelf for my kids to read in the future, should they ever feel so inclined.
Through this journey, I came to realize the absolute stranglehold this 'System' of ours has on nearly everyone, and that 'truth' contains no intrinsic value until we ‘need to know’ and are ready to understand and confront it.
Studied Law on My Own and Became a Champion of Justice
My unconventional journey into law involved challenging local government corruption on many fronts within various municipalities and law enforcement. My relentless pursuit of justice revealed numerous criminal acts including felonies being committed and followed by significant cover-ups, showcasing my determination to hold the authorities accountable and never backing down.
Despite several attempts by the ‘powers-that-be’ to jail and silence me, I finally learned how to write a criminal complaint with probable cause and then turned the tables by first setting them up while knowing they would likely obstruct my complaints from reaching the grand jury, of which they did and then I used the law and public awareness against them to stop the threat they posed to me.
It's striking how easily their system unravels when we expose ‘govern-ment’ for what it truly is and means in its etymological form (‘control-mind’). I often joke now that I might have finally earned a spot on the government’s ‘Don’t Mess With’ list. After all, who wants to contend with an eternal wild card and someone unwavering in their commitment to truth, justice, and complete transparency—ready to call out any bullshit and push back legally, politically, and psychologically—when they step out of line?

I Decided “I’m Done ‘Playing Small’”
After 4 decades in the construction business, building and remodeling some of the finest homes in Minnesota, I realized that despite my many successes and even more failures, I had still been playing small in life. I was afraid to fully reveal my true, unstoppable self and show the world what I might truly be capable of.
Facing this realization head-on, I finally surrendered to becoming everything I had felt called to be and do but had pushed aside or suppressed to appease others—some of whom preferred to undermine my potential or sabotage my qualities because I spoke of escaping our cage.
Driven by a higher calling, I’ve stepped out from the shadows of seeking acceptance from anyone and have embraced a no-holds-barred, full-throttle approach to living a radically authentic life. To solidify my commitment, I even trademarked my motto, “Life's Too Short To Fake It,” as a guiding principle to keep me grounded when challenges arise.
Reflecting on my lifelong desire to leave a permanent mark on the hearts and minds of others, my ultimate mission in life became crystal clear after 7 months of deep reflection and professional coaching on the question, "What problem do I solve in this world?" It was a no-brainer, looking back now. I was already perfectly aligned and well equipped to become an authenticity strategist, having always been a truth-seeker and ball-buster and then later developing the ability to spot inauthenticity and deception from a distance, especially when considering those things that do not serve one's divine essence.
Driven by a profound motivation to inspire others to get real with themselves and those around them, I strive to help them tap into the God-given superpowers gifted to each of us at birth. The greatest reward for me is witnessing the people I work with as they uncover their true greatness within and use this awakening to light up their lives and the lives of those around them.
Let Us Dive in And Get Real
Ready to unlock your true potential? If you’re serious about breaking free from everything that isn’t authentically you and spend the rest of your life in a state of absolute gratitude and bliss by embracing the real you, I invite you to
start by completing the Get Real Now radical authenticity quiz.
Once you’ve taken the quiz, if you fit within the scope of my ideal client profile (as noted), you can secure a spot on my waitlist to schedule your complimentary coaching call.
If you're not a fit for the coaching at this time, let’s connect on LinkedIn, where we can explore the things that hold us back from becoming the real-life, radically authentic badasses we were all born to be in our own unique way. Let’s dive in and get real!
Take the First Step
Complete the Get Real Now Radical Authenticity Self-Assessment to kickstart your transformation.
Then, secure your spot on my waitlist for a complimentary Strategy Call, where we’ll explore how I can help you unlock your true self.
Complimentary Radical Authenticity Strategy Call​
Exclusively designed for high-net-worth entrepreneurs seeking transformative, high-impact work, my Radical Authenticity Strategy Call is your next critical step toward profound self-discovery. I accept only two to three new clients annually into my coaching programs, with a waitlist for those fully committed to this life-altering journey.
Coaching investments range from $150,000 for my Radical Authenticity Breakthrough (12-month immersive program) to $500,000 for the Elite Self-Mastery Program (limited-lifetime commitment).
For those who complete the Elite Self-Mastery Program, an even more exclusive opportunity awaits—The Transcendence Experience. Reserved for a select few who are driven to explore and live life’s deepest truths, this journey invites you to break free from the matrix of external programming and man-made constructs, enabling you to live truly free. It offers unparalleled transformation, guiding you toward the raw freedom and purpose you were destined to experience. Upon invitation, you will receive a personalized experience tailored to your unique aspirations. Full details and pricing will be provided at that time.